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Key Information

We're here to help, don’t hesitate to give us a call:

📞  0161 273 1830  8am - 5:00pm

Our Address

Wadeson Rd
M13 9UJ

Find us on Google Maps

Who is the head teacher?

Mr Jonathan Brown is the head teacher. You can read his welcome note here

Unsure who you need to contact?

For general enquiries, please contact Ms Julie Nowell, the Business Manager. 

📞  0161 273 1830


If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please contact the academy on the above number or email and a member of the main office team will be able to help you. This information will be supplied free of charge.

My child will be absent

Please let us know before 9.00am if your child will be absent.

📞  0161 273 1830

Find more information on our attendance page

I'd like to report a safeguarding concern

You can report any concern by calling our office on 0161 273 1830. Our designated safeguarding lead is Ms A Brighouse

More details of how to report a safeguarding concern can be found here

Who can I speak to about Special Educational Needs support?

The SEND Coordinators are:

Ms P. O'Dwyer - SENDCo

Miss L. McColgan - Assistant SENDCo for Early Years

You can find out more information here

I'd like to contact the Academy Governing Council

To contact the Academy Governing Council, please write to our Chair of Governors, Hazel Remeika, via the following contact details:

FAO Chair of Governors
Co-op Academy Medlock
Wadeson Road
M13 9UJ

Or via email:

I'd like to contact the Co-op Academies Trust

Any compliments, concerns or complaints should be raised via the Chair of Governors, as outlined in our Complaints Policy. The contact for our Governing Body is as above.

Following this should you still wish to contact the Co-op Academies Trust, you can write them at

Contact our Data Protection Officer

For Subject Access Requests and Freedom of Information Requests, please contact:

Data Protection Officer for Co-op Academies Trust: Tammy Pyszky

I need help with admissions.

Please click the button below. 

I would like more information about your Uniform?

Our Uniform Policy can be found by clicking the button below.

I'd like to know more about your Ofsted Reports?

Please click the button below for more information about our Ofsted Reports.

Where can I find your performance data?

Please click the button below for more information. 

Where can I find information about your curriculum?

Please click the button below.

Where can I find your Pupil Premium Strategy and PE and Sport Premium?

All of our Pupil Premium and PE and Sport Premium information can be found by clicking the button below. 

Where can I find your Behaviour Policy?

Please click the button below. 

Where can I find your Charging and Remissions Policy?

Please click the button below. 

Where can I find the published salary information for the Trust?

Please click the button below.

Where can I find information about the Trust's Annual Accounts?

Please click the button below.